Monday, September 27, 2010

Clones Lace Workshop

A weekend workshop on Clones Lace will be held in the Cassandra Hand Centre in Clones, County Monaghan on the weekend of 27-28th November 2010.

Clones Lace is an Irish Crochet lace.

If anyone is interested in learning how to do wool or thread crochet, why not contact Maire at Maires Lace

Hyperbolic Crochet Reef Workshops

Hyperbolic Reef Workshops

We hope to see many people joining us for these days of understanding the geometry of hyperbolic space, the environmental impact of our lifestyle and not least the physical manifestation of hyperbolic space. We will hear the speakers on geometry and marine biology before lunch and then we will get down to some hyperbolic crochet after lunch.

These workshops are not not suitable for small children and older children should be accompanied by parent/guardian at all times.

Details on the speakers:

Dr. Anke C. Dietzsch studied ecology at the University of Bonn, Germany, and at Trinity College Dublin. She has worked for the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, and is currently a researcher at TCD. Her studies brought her to tropical and temperate climates in Asia, Africa and South America where she admired and investigated the ecology and biodiversity of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. This year she mediated for the Crochet Coral Reef Project at the Science Gallery Dublin and is passionate about the idea of communicating Arts and Science to a wide, interested audience.

Eiseart Dunne is a student at Trinity College who hails from Cappawhite in Co. Tipperary. He studied English Literature and Mathematics for three years before choosing to specialise in Maths for his upcoming fourth and final year. He spends part of his time working as a mediator in the Science Gallery.and too much of the rest of it looking at funny and cute pictures of animals.

The Reefers & Irene Lundgaard are autodidact crocheters who are passionate about Hyperbolic Crochet and like to share their knowledge of this fantastic craft with as many people as possible. They have been involved in The Irish Reef from the word go and are trying to bring it to as many places in Ireland as possible to share the beauty of this woolly wonder and generate awareness of the negative environmental impact that is happening to coral reefs worldwide.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Craftblog Update 19th-25th September

As usual if you want me to exclude me from mentioning you in the roundup or you want yourself removed from the listings please comment here or email us using the contact details on the front page of this blog.

Knitting Neels gets a new bike and visits the Glasnevin market and then visits the Dublin Flea Market

Ankynom decorates a t-shirt with a coot

Limerick Live looks into getting Glasses; Has a life moment and works on getting ready for the Limerick Mini-Marathon (with thanks to Google for a translation)

Beckydazzler looks at Grey in this season and her wardrobe

Aranbrew looks at a new Irish Craft brewing website, Beoir; teaches Tawashi; Shows off her Hop Harvest Beret and debuts her first design, a headband

Bola de Berlin is thankful for Friends and Hands

Things that strike me talks about being introduced to Terry Pratchett

Carbon Footprint talks ab0ut knitting and spinning in Public

An Snag Breac Beo has some stone wall socks, a new pattern

Cattaphilla has some photographs of London and travels from Cork to Kerry

Chebe beads two bracelets; talks about LED bracelets and does a Embroidery Sampler bag

Chicwithstix abandons Twitter for a while to knit and wonders if she'll have enough time to knit for Christmas

Clasheen prepares to visit the US; more preparation and some felting; has a minor accident (I still think it's pretty!); Blogs from the Airport and has some flying adventures

Clones Lace Blog announces some Clones Lace Workshops

Sen Nocy Letniej awards a prize (google again provided a translation)

Dragondays has an interesting car photo with reflections

Ms Walsh talks about the mornings getting darker

Half a dream away has some new photographs up

Thread Bear Picnick has a vicarious ribbon win and some praise for this here blog

Fuzzyballfibrearts hopefully has health improvements and appears to be enjoying a new project

GaietyGirl returns to College and after a year buys some sock yarn

Gingerpixel has photographs of a newborn and another family photograph

2knitornot2knit features a few Etsy treasuries featuring her work; has some wetfelted project photographs; discovers she's on Etsy's front page

Daffodil's and Dandelions finishes and plans some projects; and has some sleep problems

Haz Wool will Knit talks seasonal knitting and a wedding tea cozy

Hollytron has her portfolio online here

This is Knit announces some Thursday Night changes and release the Glenties Cowl Pattern

Little Hare reminds about a novena to St Therese; Chicken Noodle Soup for her soul and some Tiny Triumphs

Akka Design weaves a new scarf

Dispatches from the Deise talks about socks and beach walks; more hidden gems in Donegal

Basil Explosion has some Greek Adventures

Margie's Crafts has a competition and a new site here with another competition

Miss Aine apologises for a lack of posting; likes it when things come together and shows off some knitted cake toppers

Michelle Made this talks about knitting in the movies; has a busy crafty weekend; finishes the chair started last week and visits Town & Country in Roscommon

The Nest talks about New Directions and Autumn Bounty

Neen Crochet talks Books, Runways and invitations; Crochet and Charity and talks about birthdays, sewing machines and crochet

Living the Simple Life she wants deals with some hard issues

Morg talks Tea; does some shopping; Celebrates Neen's Birthday and remembers cassettes

Nic Knits gets confused by headlines and thinks knitting

Pippablue are getting ready for the Knitting & Stitching Show

RubySasha talks about colder weather, knitting and BBC Dramas

Let's Knit & Stitch are impressed by a 94 year old knitter and are curious about the pattern

Stitchlily talks about Lamhdeanta

TeaandCakes talks about her wedding

Irish Muse is inspired to announce a competition; talks about Brown Bag Quilting; mentions some other giveaways and has good news about the healing in her leg

Hello has some Tumblr Updates

Undermeoxter is Misc-ing in action; Finishes her Annis and awards me a prize and offers advice about nupps

Wendy Ver Brugen talks about three rock mountain a hat and the beginning of a scarf

The Woolly Way mentions Seeing Red a textile Exhibition in Cork; mentions the Knit wine Purl Wine in Springwools and a textile exhibit in Westport Co Mayo

My life in Ireland talks about making her computer speak Swedish

I have a few knitty Links; fill a knitting survey; review Oddball Knitting; review Color Style; show off a newly finished waistcoat; show off my winnings from Undermeoxter; and review Knitting your own designs for a perfect fit (you can tell I'm on holidays can't you?)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New posts 12th-18th September

Again, if you want to be removed from the listings please tell us and we'll remove you.

Andrea has a birthday (in German)

Beckydazzler asks for help with her thesis about fashion and blogging

Carbonfootprintproject had a dyeing workshop and I missed a visit from a round Ireland cyclist last week

Catapilla Dreaming talks about some lovely fabric

Clasheen is back home and shares some holiday photographs; talks about her favourite felted accessory and some other things and about flying out to the US for a workshop

Happy Heart=Happy Soul has some very cute tortoises

An Evening Wasted with reads her first Agatha Christie and visits friends with kittens

Dragondays shows a chess set made years ago

Woolly Bits has a nice shot of a red Dahlia and talks red and then works with blue dyeing

Zhya's Ratatouille has photos of her holidays

Thread Bear talks measurements without an inch tape or ruler and about paying it forward

Springstitches talks about removing a smoking smell from acrylic

Fuzzyballfibrearts talks about the end of summer; preparing for Spinning in Kilkenny; and spinning in Kilkenny

2knit or not 2knit is superproductive

Daffodils and Dandelions talks planning and has a cute angel knitting

Haz Wool will Knit talks Chilli and Dressmaking Scissors

Little Hare feels that autumn is here and looks out the window at rain...

Akka Design has a cute notebook cover

String Revolution talks about a cooperative gift blanket

Just a Minute returns to blogging and talks about her previous year

Dispatches from the Deise talks about travelling around Donegal and northern Ireland in three posts here, here and here as they head back via connemara

Stolen Stitches has a promotion which expires 19/9/10, i.e. as I write this

Miss Aine talks about going to Wexford for a break and about Cooking with more Veg

Michelle talks about returning to school; Drawing ginger; treats herself to some Kitchenware and works on repairing a bamboo chair warning, this site plays audio.

The Nest has felted soap fun

Morgtoday talks random playlists; listening to explosions of sky; Watching ST:TNG; Cat Company and visiting the beach

NicKnits talks Jane Austen

Our own Knit Inc mentions this blog and her issues with the Pi Shawl and Charity Knitting

Springwools is going to have a Knit Wine Purl Wine Night

Irish Muses talks about a Fall into Fall Quilters Giveaway; shares several projects; talks about the holy thorn at Glastonbury; the International Quilt Festival; incurs some damage; shares more pages and some crochet

Under me Oxter talks about her path to finishing Glenvar for her other half

Ciorcal Comhra return to meetups after the holidays; had a wonderful afternoon in Blessington Bookshop

The Woolly Way talks about Textile Retreats to the Burren; Lamhdeanta - handmade Craft Workshops in Tralee, Co Kerry; Embroidery with Combined Materials in Dingle, Co Kerry; Crochet Classes in Sligo; A Big Knit Update; An Autumn/Winter Tea Party at Stitch in Dublin; and Seeing Red a textile exhibit in Cork

Wrapnturn talks about what's she's knit so far and what she's knitting on the Knitting Elizabeth Blog

NeenCrochet has the Adventures of Little Melanie Day 1; Day 2; Day 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7

Mitt liv på Irland, My life in Ireland has computer issues and gets a new spinning wheel

Etsy Ireland talks about some fairs and markets and some classes; an interesting article on caring for your jewelry; Highlights some Team Treasuries; Recommends Mary Brown photography; Introduces Amorio who sells jewelry; has a bright fab five on Friday and mentions a Etsy Ireland Team discount in a shop

and I talk about Finishing the Ribwarmer; Working out increases and making a Baby Cardigan (which also features on Knitting Elizabeth)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hospice Knitting

I was contacted today by a lady on behalf of St Francis Hospice. They're fundraising to complete the building of a hospice here in Dublin 15. A truly great cause, and one I've always supported at their other location in Raheny, Dublin as they cared for two of my relations wonderfully in their final days.
Basically, they're hoping to have a craft fair in early December and are looking for knitters and crocheters to make lots of different things. Here's the flier:

I, for one, am really going to try and make some things for them. They sent me a few free patterns that they're sending out to people who ask, so if you want one, leave a comment with contact details and I'll send the info on.

One of the organisers, Maeve Henchion, will be coming along to the knitting group next Tuesday to fill us in on all the details.

I think you'll agree it's a wonderful cause, so please, if you can, knit or crochet something up!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

CraftBlog News 5-11th September

So what has bubbled up on the Irish Knit/Crochet/Crafty Blogosphere this week? (Defining loosely week as 5th-11th September)

Well This is Knit had a yarn tasting
Knitting Neels was there
Half a Dream Away did a lot of photographs

GaietyGirl photographs some of her summer projects and went tothe This is Knit Yarn Tasting
Wendy's Stuff spots the Liffey Swim and shows some of her loot from the yarn tasting

Bola de Berlin admitted to a birthday

Mourn along with TBunny while she rips a top but has progress with some Debbie Bliss cowls and will have some patterns finished soon. Test knitters are working away!

Things that Strike me talks about people and assumptions and visitors needing education. Has some good links to online resources (alas without us here but we're only very new) for visitors to Ireland

Carbon Foodprint did some felting and there appears to be sock knitting plans in the offing

Cataphilla doesn't have knitting this week, but does have amazing tomato images and a how to make tomato sauce.

MsWalsh talks about fruit cakes memories

Woollybits does some natural dyeing and picks some supplies for some dyeing

2 Knit or not 2 Knit was listed by a friend on Etsy; finished the Katrina Ballerina Lace Layering Cardigan in a yarn of her own dying )and admits that the colour almost didn't work! Did some Nuno Felting and got some spinning gifts while visiting Scotland

Thread Bear's Picnic explains how to do colour-changes in Crochet

An Apology for an idler has some photographs of her Meandering Vine Shawl

Daffodils & Dandelions and wonders if ripping is going to have to happen and encapsulates the change of weather in a photo

Yarn Classes' Husband composes hyperbolic crochet music and has some news about the crochet project

Kituta's Crochet Corner managed to get some students

String Revolution works on a open collared pullover from Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitters Almanac and cross posts to the Knitting Elizabeth Project

Dispatches from the Deishe has 15 minutes of Irish Times Fame

Stolen Stitches talks about her latest pattern Briseis Pullover and Killarney workshop

Basil Explosion announces blog dormancy due to college; Photographs Cute Houses in London; Plays with and photographs her Gorilla Pod and visits Kew Gardens

From Sheep to Shawl is photographed in Byrnes Bookshop in Galway and her book is in good company in the same shop

Margie Crafts makes a beautiful baby dress

Michele made this found Kirsty's Homemade Home inspiring along with a number of other books. Got Filmed by RTE had some bargain buys from a boot sale

The Nest gives a recipe for Fairy Cakes makes some felt ducks discusses the progress of her kitchen

Knit Inc thinks some things are ho hum and talks ever increasing circles partially cross-posted to Knitting Elizabeth

ARGH! Lets Knit and Stitch start into some Christmas Knitting show off a jumper made by one of their teachers

The Woolly Way announces some Classes and workshops

Humble Pie wonders where she'll find time for everything

and I admit to neglecting my knitting for this blog

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Irish Knitting, Crocheting and other crafty Bloggers/websites

This will be an ongoing list starting with those knitters who are on Ravelry, if no language is mentioned it's in English, some of these people are people who blog but not necessarily about knitting.  Any blog with a * contains knitting or crochet content on the first page, or in the tags associated with the blog.

If anyone wants themselves removed from this list please inform us and we will take you off.

a year is the last year postings are on the site and the * is posts within the last 4 months, edited 16th January 2011 so since September 2010)

2Knit or not 2Knit * who blogs bilingually in Polish & English Etsy Shop here (2011*)

A Handmade Greentopia * (2008)

Akka Design * Etsy Shop here (2011*)

Amazed Knitter's Patterns * (2010*)

An Apology for an Idler * (2011*)

An evening wasted with... * (2011*)

An Snag Breac Beo * (2011*)

Ankonymous * (2010*)

Anula's Kitchen (2011*)

Aprilstar Artisan Studio * (artfire site)

Aranbrew * (2011*)

Armargos (an animal charity site)

As the World Falls Down (2011*)

Backpedalbrakes (2010)

Baked Beats (music site)

Basil Explosion * (2011*)

BeckyDazzler (2011*)

Bloomsday Flowers (a florists)

Bohemian Hooks * on etsy here (posts undated to day, but month dated 2010*)

Bola de Berlin * blogs bilingually in Portuguese and English (2011*)

Brenyes (weaver) (2010)

Brona Design Studio (this site will resize your browser and if you click through it will open another window, I will not be visiting this site to check for updates)

Burren Stained Glass Art (business site)

Carbonfootprintproject Spinner (2010*)

Cattapilla Designs * Etsy Shop here (2011*)

Cazknits * (Commerical knitting)

Celtic Knots* (2010*)

Celtic Memory Yarns * (2010*)

Chebe (2011*)

Cinnamon Patrol (2010)

Ciorcal Comhra blogging in Irish & English (2010*)

Clarita * blogging in French (2010*)

Clasheen Feltmaker (2011*)

Clickety Knits * (2007)

Clones Lace Blog * (2010*)

Colour and Ink* (2011*)

Conscious Craft * (2010)

Constant Knitter * (2010*)

Craft Obsession * blogging in Polish Etsy Shop here (2010*)

Crafty Alley * (2010*)

Crafty Beans * (2009)

Crafty Dogs * (2010)

Crochet Lingerie * Gallery site

Cuada Designs (bag business site)

Daffodils and Dandelions * (2011*)

Dancing Threads Studio (gallery site)

Dispatches from the Deise * (2011*)

Dixie Stix * (2010*)

Doogarry * (2010*)

DragonDays (2011*)

Dreaming * (2009)

DroimAnUan * (2010*)

Droopy Drawers * (knitted items shop)

Dublin Mom (2009)

Dublin Knit Collective* (2011*)

Duilleoga (2010*)

Edel McBride * (Designer site)

Electronic Sheep (commercial knitwear site)

Eliza Jane Pio (2009)

Etsy Ireland (2011*)

Feanor Crafts * (2011*)

FibreSpirit *(2010)

Finding Home *(2011*)

Fionaviola's Weblog (2010)

Fishcraft Etsy Shop

Flutterbyes * (2010)

Fly Along * on Etsy here (2010*)

Fondeli Fair (undated discussion group)

Food and Wool * Blogging in French (2010*)

Frilly Knickers and Woolly Socks (2008)

From Crook to Hook * (2008)

From Sheep to Shawl * (2011*)

Fuzzyballfibrearts * (2010*)

Gaskills Etsy Shop

Gaye Mulholdand Design (graphic designer)

Gingerpixel Photography (2010*)

Grace Tierney's Writing (site won't allow easy links)

GwenTaylor (Graphic Designer promo site)

Half a Dream Away* on Etsy here (2011*)

Handcrafted by LillySmuul * mostly in English but also occasional Estonian (2011*)

Handmaiden of Adonai (2011*)

HandSpunHeart * (2010)

Happy Banshee * (2009)

Happy Heart = Happy Soul*(2011*)

Havelock the Hunter's Lair * (2010)

Haz Wool Will Knit * (2011*)

Hello (tubmlr site, no dates)

Herborium (2011*)

Hollytron * (2011*)

Hooks Law * (2010*)

Humble Pie is 0 Calories eat up! * (2010*)

I get up, I walk, I fall down * (2010)

Irish Muses (2011*)

Irish Peach (2010)

Irish Twi Sisters Twilight fanfic

It had better be good (2009)

Jewel and Darling* (2010*)

John the Bad (2010*)

Julle's World * (2010*) Blogs bilingually in Spanish & English

Just a Minute * (2010*)

Kat B's All things Beautiful * (2010*)

Kersti Tatter! (2011*)

Kizuta's Crafts Corner * (2011*)

Knit, Inc * (2011*)

Knit/Lab/Welcome * (Designer site)

KnitKnuts Etsy Shop

Knittin' it is * (2010)

Knitting Elizabeth (2010*)

Knitting Neels * (2011*)

Knitwasabi * (2010*)

L Hogan * Etsy shop here (2011*)

La Femme Sparkle (2011*)

Laura Eliason * (2011*)

Let's Knit and Stitch * (2011*)

Life, as I know it (2009)

Lilla Chinamengri Killamengri (2010*)

Limerick "Live" in German (2011*)

Little Hare * (2011*)

Little Yarns * (2009)

Living in Ireland * (2009)

Lizzy Likes Craft * (2009)

Lunasa Knits * (2010)

Maethebear (2010)

Maisiehandspun Shop on Etsy here (2010*)

Malcom's World Tour 2009 * (2010)

Mam Made* (2010)

Margie's Crafts * (2010*)

Margot Cullen

Me, Etc. * (2008)

Mendozy * (2009)

Michelle Made This *Etsy Shop here (2011*)

Mind of Mindi * (2009)

Miss Aine * Etsy shop here (2011*)

Mitt liv på Irland, My life in  Ireland * blogged in Swedish and English (2011*)

Morg Today * (2011*)

Motherland Japan (2009)

Ms. Walsh's Weblog * (2011*)

Neen Crochet (2011*)

Niamh's Knitting * (2010*)

NicKnits * (2011*)

Niniville (2010)

O'Neill Knits * (commercial knitting site)

Petticoat Rebellion (2010*)

Pie in the Sky Crochet Creation * (2010)

Pippablue (2011*)

Playing with Fi(b)re * (2011*)

Puppies, pickles and Strawberry Milkshakes * (2008)

Quinn Demolition Inc * (2009)

Rachael's Knits * (2009)

RandyYeti You Tube Link

Relodie's Silly Knitz * (2010*)

Rubysasha * (2011*)

Sabrina Dent (web and other design)

Selkie's Crochet* (2010*)

Sen Nocy Letniej * Blogging in Polish (2010)

She Knit up That Ball * (2011*)

Shinypurpledistraction's Blog * (2010)

Skuldmakesstuff* (2011*)

SlickFixation (2010*)

Spring Stitches * (2011*)

Springwools * (2011*)

Starving Artist Ink Etsy Link here (2011*)

StitchLily * (2011*)

Stolen Stitches * (2011*)

String Revolution * (2010*)

Su2ie Knits * (2009)

Sweeter than ben and jerry (2010)

Tangelled Angel * (2009) also Chronicles of Yarnia * (2010)

Tap Tap Click Click (myspace site)

TattyFraney (2010*)

TBunny * (2010*)

Tea and Cakes * (2010*)

The Bohomama (2011*)

The Holy Roman Army (myspace site)

The Knitter's Ball * (2010)

The Mermaid Undine (2010*)

The Midnight Knitter * (2010)

The Misadventures of GaietyGirl * Etsy Shop Here (2011*)

The Nest *Etsy Shop Here (2011*)

The Siegel Family * (2011*)

Things that strike me * (2011*)

This and That * (2011*)

This is Knit * (2011*)

This Trampoline Leads to Heaven (2010*)

Thread Bear's Picnic * Etsy Shop here (2011*)

Timothy Dowling* (2011*)

Tink R (Myspace site)

Tiny Ark Etsy Shop

Too Good to be True * (2008)

Turtleknits * (2010*)

U Agaty * in Polish (2010)

Under Me Oxter * (2011*)

Up to my lack-of-tonsils (2010*)

Valentina's Room * (2011*)

Very Valerie * (2010*)

Wendy's Stuff * on Haitus

Where People Create (2010*) and also Amg Arts (2011*)

Where There's a Wool (2011*)

Whildchild (on Deviantart)

Winona Queen Etsy Shop here (2010*)

Wire Wrapped Jewelry (2011*)

Woolly and Wild Etsy Shop *

Woolly Bits - Everything textile * (2011*)

Woolly Gathering * (2011*)

Woolly Way * (2011*)

Wyvernfriend Knits * (2011*)

Yarn Classes * (2010*)

Yarnboi's Blog * (2011*)

Yarncat * (2010)

Zaya's Ratatouille blogging bilingually in French & English (2010*)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Irish Designers

Currently limited to Irish (or Irish resident at least) Designers on Ravelry all links are to ravelry, except blog links.  Commercial means that they were published in a magazine, book or are available for purchase online; magazine or book publications may be out of print and unavailable at the moment. Designers reserve the right to change availability without notice, status was correct at time of writing

Anon Any has Fluttering Flames for free

Agnese Vajevska has the free Dragonfly Vest and Hobbit Dress She's originally from Latvia but resident in Cork

aileen has several, she's Knittingneels Blog:

Commercial: Helsinki Tank; Marshmallow Houndstooth; Moebius; February Sock Pattern; Apple Strudel; White Heat; Apple Crush; Fluffy Cuffs; Rosy Shrug

Free: Hands Up; Beret Easy; Zissou Hat; Irish Wellington Socks

Beataka of Fly Along blog has two patterns designed for her yarns- Undercover and Abalone, both free

TBunnyKnits of TBunny Blog has three: Haze Shrug; Scribble Mitts and Angel Hairband all for free

Aranbrew has a Chic cabled headband

Basilexplosion has a cabled scarf

CaroBellaCaro of the An Snag Breac Beo Blog has several patterns Knit your own Drugs; Peas on Earth; Giant Daisy Headband; Stone Wall Socks and Rudbeckia Flower are free and Dynamite Bomb has a donation in the cost to MAG - Mines Advisory Group, whose work includes clearing landmines.

caroline30 has several patterns Aleanbh; Eilis and Cable Sleeve Cardi are free. Commercial: Liadan; Siofra; Fidelma; Nollaig Mor; Clodagh; Eibhlin Mor; Nollaig; Eibhlin; Eithne; Abaigeal; Caoimhe; Diarmuid; Grainne; Aoife; Blathnaid; Caitlin; Maire; Baby cardigans two options; 2 option baby cardigan; Basic Baby Cardigans 2 options

CrochetCreation has a blog Pie in the Sky Crochet and Easy Chain Link Scarf for free

DaniB has Loopy Caplet for free

Dubspinner of HandSpunHeart blog has for sale: Roll-brim beanie; Horned Viking Helmet; Yurt hat with Ridge Detail; Felted Fat Chick; Loose Knit Festival Beret

fibermeister has eyepods available for free

flick of the Threadbear Blog has several available

Free: Tullow, Falling Stars; Rose Rock; Luna Lovegood's Radish Earrings; Free Bee; Ophelia; Lazin' Wine Glass Charm; Emer's Rose Garden Scarf; You Spin me Right 'Round

Commercial: Dragonesque; Etain Shrug; Surrey the Little Mouse; Boyne; Dragon Skin Gauntlets; Oxidise; Patrick the Thread Bear; Penny Feather Gloves; Signal Lights; Thread Bear's Hat Pack 1; Rasta Kitty; Spring Picnic Hat; Beyond the Sea Commemoration; Mobius; Rapunzel; Beyond the Sea Hat; Strips of Bacon; Tullow; Cosy Cuffs; Boelyn

fondeli who has a blog at FondeliFair has Big Knit Hat and Marbel Phone/Iphone sock

IreneLundgaard who blogs at YarnClasses has Cosy Tea Belly; The Bookworm; Roundel Scarf; Sheila's Coffee Cozy; Rainbow Scarf; Juicy Banana Silk Scarf for free.

Commercial: Moonlight; Juliet's Hyperbolic Crochet Scarf; Hyperbolic Ashford Beanie; Swirly-Whirly Winter hat; Cool Spring Beanie and Scarf; Nic's Noro Neck Twist; Noro Neck Twist wrap; Kilcarra Crochet Cosy Neck Wrap; Flared Cuff Winter Mittens; Rainbow Beret

Jagienka of the bilingual 2 knit or not 2 knit has Ocean Waves; Otulenie Neckwarmer and Maja for sale and for free but in Polish: Wzorzyste skarpetki

Kemberlee of From Crook to Hook blog has Noro Moss Stitch Scarf; Ruffly Crochet Scarf; Crochet Pinwheel and Crochet Socks for free

kneehigh of Sheknitupthatball Blog has the Little Cookie Cardi and Here Comes Treble for free

knitlab of the Kieran Foley Blog has many patterns available

Free: Cold Mountain; Latvian Vest; Pencil Case for Darfur; Seascape Stole; Fair Isle Rapids

Commercial: Gilded Shoulderette; Ribcage; Europa; Teardrop; Parrot; Blackbird; Three Stranded Scarves; Turbulent Indigo Stole; Emily Dickinson; Sound of Waves; Harry Clarke; Iceland; American Gothic; Nomad; Experimental Ornamental; High Seas; Inland Sea; Crocodile; Pine Cones; Three Lace Scarves; Aegean; Minimal Lace Scarf; Aran Lace Stole; Diamond Stripe; Serpentine; Concertina; Scandinavian; Cartouche; Fair Isle Fans; Fair Isle Feathers; Fair Isle Chevrons; Fair Isle Ribbons; Fair Isle Folklore; Fair Isle Breakers; Fair Isle Plumage

LisaThisIsKnit of has Simple Lace Shrug; Swish Scarf Party Lace Scarf for free and cute as one button for sale

Littlefellers of has many patterns available

Free: Iced; Siesta; Doddy

Commercial: Leitmotif Cardigan; Eilonwy; My Little Precious; Adrift; Teacup Pinafore; Azami; Mendel; Captiva Wrap; Braided Wrap Tunic; Casadh; Centrique; Terry's Pullover; Midnight Shrug; Ziggy Zag; Trellis and Vine Pullover; Fisherman Twist; Beaufort; Double Glazed; Summer Affair; Trilo; Cayman; Quimper; Raspberry Layers; Laced Leaves; Anna Maria Tank; Fritillary; Cinnamon Bay; Amelie Gilet; Necco Wafer Hoodie; Lime with a twist; Pick 'n Mix; Eleanor

LittleYarns of Littleyarns has for sale Christmas No 2; Christmas No 1; Arthur; Matilda; Max Monkey; Holly Hippo; Ernie Elephant; Superhero Flash; Superhero Star; Chloe Cow

Lunasa whose website is Lunasaknits Copper cables Scarf, Shady Socks and River Valley Scarf are all free

LZOH has Lacy Cleavage Cover; Little Bear Appliqué/pin/fridgie; Contoured Coat Hanger Cover

missaine who blogs at Miss Aine has

Free: Lily; Jellybean Dinosaur; Cabled hand warmer; Mini Easter Bunny; Pompero Striped Hat; Twisted Rib Hat; Little Red; Doll's Party Dress; Miss Mouse; Moss Stitch Bag; Valentine Wand; Piggywig; Bow Bag; Fred the Squirrel; Pixie Hat; Christmas Tree Star; Billy Blueberry; Simple Garter Stitch Baby Hat

Commercial: Toddler Tom; Gretchen; Little People - Dress Up; Little People - Enchanted Wood; Lovebug; Bride and Groom Wedding Cake Topper; Bo and Lori; Humpty Dumpty; Dressing Up Doll; Blossom Buds; Clown; Kelly; Kish; Spring Sheep and Lamb; Bob and Babs the Spring Lambs; Ballerina; Irish Dancer; Kapoor; Sophie; Evie; Happy Hedgehog and Evil Owl; Bobble, Squeak and Pierre; Blanket bear; Mini Christmas Tree Trims; Fairy Godmother; Flower Baby; Bunny in Coat

neencrochet who blogs as NeenCrochet has Daisy Chain Necklace; Victorian Pinkie; My Pumpkin's Hat; Bliss; Twisted Shawl all for free

Nic at NicKnits has Ashford Cowl for free and Miss Potter Mittens/Miss Potter/Beatrix Mittens; Cushendale Wrap; for sale

owlsocks whose website is VegFrugalHousewife has Leverett available for free

rubysasha of RubySasha blog has for Free: Kiltipper Scarf; Ardrum Scarf/Wrap; Aylesbury Shawlette

commercial: NicEoin Scarf/Wrap; Druminchin Shawlette; Katydid Kerchief; Glenlara Shawlette

StephaniesYarn of The Yarn Room has the Kilcarra Striped Teacosy and the Yarn Room Twist available for free

thatsknittastic has the Koolhaus Mitts available for free

timiat of DixieStix Blog has the Lava Flow Cowl; the Ho(o)t Coffee and Irish Breakfast available for free

UnderMeOxter of UnderMeOxter Blog has Doh!-Nut for free

whirl123 of Wendy Verbruggen Blog has Graduation Socks; iCozy and xkcd Pillow for free

Some more Irish Ravelry Groups - Business based

These are not the only yarn businesses in Ireland but these are the yarn businesses in Ireland that have Ravelry groups associated with them.

Crafty Knit & Stitch; are a group of knitters and stitchers who meet at The Crafty Alley Shop in Killarney, Co. Kerry every Friday morning from 10am to 12pm. No charge just pop along to meet other people with your needles and yarns.

Clashee; Clasheen; is a rural retreat in the Southeast of Ireland and concentrates on feltmaking

Vibes and Scribes is a bookshop and knitting shop in Cork and I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll never be allowed to visit because that much of my hobbies in one place might lead to a world implosion event.

The Spinning Wheel is a group for a shop in Trim, Co Meath

This is Knit a great yarn shop in Dublin City Centre, website here

The Constant Knitter is a mostly internet business but you can ring ahead to visit website here

JWS Knittersis a group for a Belfast based Shop

Yarn creaters/Dyers/etc

Dublin Dye Company - they dye yarn in Dublin, it's sold mostly in This is Knit,

LHogan Wool Fiber, she dyes amazing roving and occasional handspun, her etsy shop is here

Some Irish Yarny Ravelry Groups - Non-Shops

Many of these groups have information about meetups and shops in the areas. Yes the categories are a little loose and I've probably got things wrong in some instances, feel free to comment and I will correct as I can. I haven't sorted these in any real order and the only Irish group I didn't include are groups that were for an event that has passed.  There is a second post coming shortly about shops/businesses

General Groups

One of the biggest ones is the Irish Knitters Group they have some exellent resources there, in the pages tab you will find Irish Knitting Charities; Irish Knitting Groups and Irish Knitting Shops which also has a link to the Google Knit Map of Ireland.It is also home to the infamous End of Aran Knitters Thread that tries to dispel some of the myths about Aran knitting, it also includes some discussion of current Irish Knitting.  Please be aware that many of the "local" posters are pretty tired of this thread and will pounce on people who make sweeping statements that include "I didn't have time to read all the posts on the thread but..."

Irish Spinners is for Irish Spinners of all levels

Crocheters in and around Ireland like it says, for Irish and Irish orientated Crocheters.

If you're looking to practice Irish and knit (chniotáil) or Crochet (chróise) in Irish, you might want to try the Gaeilgeoirí ar Ravelry group

Regional Groups

The Dublin Knit Collective Group is often an expansion of the Dublin Knit Collective Blog also posts on Twitter; this is a good one-stop shop for whats happening in Dublin and various posts about the Sock challenge and Dublin happenings.

Shebeens is a group for the South-West

Rainbow Stitch 'n'Bitch is based in Limerick

Cork Stitch & Bitch is based in Cork

Wicklow Knitters are based in Wicklow

Cafe Create are based in Galway

Norn Iron Knitters are based in Northern Ireland

Belfast Stitch & Bitch a group in Belfast, Northern Ireland

The No 1 Ladies Knitting Group are based in Wexford

Smaller meetup/activity groups

Fiber Fun Friday is the group for the fortnightly meetup in the Tea Garden in Dublin

Chronicles of Yarnia an extension of the Witty Knitters who meet in Celbridge Co. Kildare they have a blog

Lisburn stitch-n-bitch is a group that meets in Lisburn, Northern Ireland

Annual Groups

Innocent Smoothie Big Knit Group

St Patrick's Day Celebration note calling it St Patty's in this group will lead to online mutterings and high blood pressure among Irish folks, please avoid.

Irish Charity Groups

Utando are a group who make handmade dolls for the children of KwaZulu-Natal, whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS

Isands group a group who create burial wraps and gowns for early loss babies

Other Irish Groups or Irish founded groups that have an international slant

The Irish Book Group

Irish Hyperbolic Crochet Reef this started as a single event and seems to have taken on a life of it's own. Blogging here

Labradoodle Knitters founded by an Irish person it shows up when you search for Irish groups in Ravelry

Fans of Emmerdale another Irish founded group

Magic Mums group